Born and bred in the beating heart of the Bronx, it's clear that a life in hiphop is one that is destined for Spice. Spice confidently states in her latest single 'Bikini Bottom' that "if the party not lit then why would I go ?" it's this confident , adaptable and self assured line that manifests as Star quality, the same quality that tells us that she is meant for this and some things she is simply not meant for which is okay because things with spice are light and fun.

Spice burst into the scene with her Single 'Munch (Feelin' U)' which is currently standing at 23,852,433 listens. Considering she only has 7 tracks available on spotify right now, the magnitude of success she has reached so early on in her career is not only great but commendable. The 22- year old rapper approaches the distincitive Drill genre with her own elegance and 'spice', by infusing both drill melodies and her bubbly cute persona. Her music appeals to the girls and to the boys if they’re willing to let their toxic masculinity take a break.

With lyrics such as 'You thought I was Feelin you ?' you get the sense that her approach is to humble, but in the most mischevous fun way that many can understand and laugh along to. Because imagine that ? Thinking the girl that could have anyone she wants, wants you.. very bold to assume which why it is equally matched in an amusing sense. She isn't trying too hard to win you over, you either flow with her or fall in line with the other many munches out there, because inherently a munch isn't just an "eater" it's also someone that's been told by the bouncer only baddies allowed but is still complaining at the fact they've been kicked to the curb and told to go home.. how are you hating when you can't even get in ? A munch is a hater.

Spice delivers her flows in such a easy manner it makes you think is she even trying ? Whilst many like to debate that her success comes from "pretty privilege " or "colourism" what many fail to understand is that the refreshing, original, effortless flow is what draws many towards her. Catchy lines such as ' you did me dirt cause what did I do ? Like' keep audiences hooked and confused as to why the song they saw being mocked is now stuck in their heads. That's the thing with Spice, everything is so straightforward but carries emotional depth without it being too overwhelming. It's as if she remembers she's on a drill beat and reels back the tears as quick as she let them out. Most women have that one guy they gave a chance too who completely changed their outlook on love and spice touches on this topic on her song 'No clarity'.I picked you I thought you was different', there is a heavy emphasis on the fact she picked him like many other women did and was done wrong. Lines like these give more insight into the laidback confidence she carries as well as giving her relatability. She has been hurt before but has channelled the energy into music and rightfully so on a drill beat. Her beats themselves are unique as they’re typical 140bpm,bass blaring, 808 jumping beats with an added edm influence. The two influences are definitely opposing but work very well with her self assuring gritty voice that consistently affirms 'I'm Bad and I'm Rude'.

In a genre that is predominately male, spice shines through with a little zest, prowess, and success because with how she flows and walks with the beat it’s obvious she couldn’t be kept a bronx secret. Many find themsleves doubling back on their first impressions of her in the hiphop scene because this addition to drill is exciting and unpredictable.

So my question is how can she lose when she's already been chose like ?