Travis scott returns to live performances after 9 month hiatus

Written By Mary Gle 8th August 2022

After the tragic catastrophic event that occurred nine months ago at Travis Scott's Astroworld he made a brazen return to live performances starting with the London 02. He initially announced that he would be performing the 6th of August 2022 on a Saturday but due to high demand and selling out the first day he made the decision to include an extra day. Which begs the question has everybody completely forgotten or is this simply the showcasing of the signs of the digitally fast paced times that we live in currently? We are all very much subject to a vast amount of news all the time in a short amount of time, so much so that as soon as we have consumed it we have forgotten it and moved onto the next thing. As shocking and devastating as the tragedy was, it seems Scott's fanbase is very much here to stay.

As soon as I began approaching the 02, I noticed a plethora of fans in an assembled line awaiting what seemed to be access to purchase official Travis Scott merchandise. I was astounded and confused at the dedication people were showing despite the urgency one might feel regarding doors opening at 6pm and the line showing no signs of minimising. I waited in line with hopes of having the chance to be able to witness for myself what was on offer before a young man who had two pairs of hoodies in his hands yelled “there is only trucker hats for 45 and 100 pound hoodies left so if you're waiting for a t-shirt you're wasting your time” I gazed around my surroundings too see what the general response to that statement was and inevitably people dropped out the line like flies. The man had also included that more merchandise was inside, but I should stress the fact that the ratio of people leaving the line to stay was indifferent.

They were dedicated and were not leaving that line without something. At this moment I interpreted this as a massive sign of support, they didn’t mind having to wait long and if I wasn’t so impatient maybe I would’ve waited as well. Kids in cargo pants and graphic T-shirts queued hours for his merchandise and to me this was the striking moment where I realised, he had such a presence in their lives and truly is a superstar who despite the recent tragedy has worked incredibly hard to achieve the status and support he has. Travis managed to sell $1Million dollars worth of merchandise, consequently breaking the UK sales record set by BTS, which truly isn’t surprising for me to hear considering I witnessed the dedication people had in real time .

Once I had made my way into the arena the atmosphere almost swallowed me whole, the intense amplified feelings of energy and excitement almost seemed to be seeping out of everyone’s pores before Travis had even made an appearance, which spoke volumes to me, I was anticipating a high energy crowd and an even more hyped-up performance. I heard conversations from those surrounding me fluttering past me about what they expected the show to deliver, I even overheard someone telling their friend attending a Travis Scott show was on their bucket list and in hindsight I completely understand exactly why.

The show began with the quick unveiling of Travis Scott stood upon a giant UFO space craft surrounded by large rocks you would most likely find on a planet of some sort. The stage set up was clearly foreshadowing Utopia which is the next album from Scott that has been highly anticipated to drop as his next big project since 2018. The production behind the stage setup did outstanding job, the iridescent flashing lights, fireworks, Kaleidoscope of visuals and pyrotechnics complemented the action packed intense and hyped performance Scott delivered. As he performed tracks such as ‘Goosebumps’, ‘Antidote’, ‘Gatti’ the crowd reciprocated the intense energy with a fan being given the mic to rap alongside Travis which was truly wholesome . Another euphoric and ecstatic fan (yslalej) was brought on stage alongside Travis and given a pair of shoes which warranted a large positive uproar from the crowd.

The energy Travis and his fans share is unmatched and truly reflects exactly how much his fans support and relate to him, the rule of no bystanders was very much apparent as every single fan in the crowd was moshing and jumping almost in sync to the sounds of autotune, provocative beats and futuristic sounds.

“It feels so good to be back on-stage man” Travis stated, referring to the nine-month hiatus, that he doesn’t touch on too much probably not wanting to turn a positive environment into a negative, but he does remind his fans to “Always remember to love each other, take care of each other” which is a clear different approach to how he has been in the past. On one occasion in the past, he had addressed people in the crown and told them to leave as they were deemed to not visually seem as if they were enjoying the show. He seems to have noticed an error in his ways and almost understanding you can compromise, you can still have “crazy” shows and have no causalities.

The Kanye West prodigy truly showed me exactly why the enthusiasm towards him is warranted and consistent. His set list included songs from right at the beginning of his career that highlight his journey from days before rodeo to Astroworld. He opened the show with the hit song Hold that heat and premiered the new absorbing and gripping songs Gods country and Lost forever.

As I gaze across the stadium, I see flashing lights from phones swaying side to side vigorously as the heat from the flame’s flash across my prescence as if I truly am in a surreal reality right next to a ufo aircraft. The show was phenomenal down to the scenery, consistent energy and heartfelt statements he made regarding his hiatus.

He stated that his dream was to perform at Wimbledon before quickly correcting himself to say Wembley, irrespectively it is understandable why just nine months later booking shows would still be a risk for venues. The feeling you get from attending a Travis Scott show is an overwhelming feeling of togetherness and abundant source of energy that is truly addictive. It is good to see Travis back in his element despite ongoing legal cases, hopefully the roll out of utopia comes soon to satisfy his fans after the long hiatus.